Financial Risk Manager

Ways of Financial and Risk Management

Money as a Medium of Exchange

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Well this recalling of all loans things and money not being available to pay interest and thus need to create more money as debt (as also supposedly originally created as debt earlier as well) its all seemed a flawed notion and logic....lets suppose we are starting it all from scratch and are currently dealing in barter trade and no cash, currency, money or notes or coins (whatever you call) now we want a cash and money based trading system where money represent a medium of exchange instead of barter system.

Even before going ahead to print notes and mint coins and deciding about their various denominations and values (which offcourse be in numbers or numerals whatelse?) and also to measure in similar way all kinds of existing measurable goods, assets and services being produced or likely to be produced in near future in an economy and then assign them appropriate and reasonable values and prices (and mind you certain things either tangible or intangible cant be priced or even valued like say human beings although their capabilities and skills can be asigned certain values) and then venture into introducing the real money notes and coins with complete backing and enforceability of state and its machinery and make it a legal tender nothing tell me where does the debt came in all this?

And by the way you are right about 1997 east asian crisis and about the role played by influential players in manipulating the markets....many other scndals too prove the current system indeed is fragile, vulnerable and prone to abuse but whats the solution....we cant move on another system unless it is readily available and cn be switched to easily and it does not even seem to be the case...and to build a new sound system requires much gigantic effort and time.

And yeah fee is a misnomer as under its criteria market forces did decided about the bankruptcy of many giants and institions but they were all bailed out using tax payers its a fallacious system but still capitalisitc economy in its other aspects is ruling the roost....and by the way you may be right about Fed chairman speeches and so many other camoflauged economic jargon but is it really the case although one may suspect it....for instance take the interest rates hikes or maintenance or lowering by Fed or any central any such anticipated or actual decision does affects the markets as cost of borrowing funds would be affected and so it naturally have an effect whever a fed chairman says something to that effect....its a long discussion ...lets take it up in further parts in a coherent way.


posted @ 11:40 AM,


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